How to calibrate your battery
The Droid Razr Maxx is an amazing phone with the battery life. So you can imagine why I almost panicked when I saw that it was only a few weeks, my phone die in a few hours. At first I thought it was a new firmware that was the culprit.
But after that there are no new updates lately, I've found it. An application that may be causing the problem My operating system is Android. With the battery almost 75%, which was incredibly unusual, because it's never been before After several freeze applications and uninstall any applications that do not use not with Titanium Backup, but I saw no improvement with my battery life. After tons and tons of research, I finally found out that my battery had to be recalibrated.
In this article I will show you how to calibrate the battery to get a better battery life. This is recommended to be done after flashing a new ROM, and after every 40 loads.
The first step is utilized to your battery life by up to 100%. Do not wait until the green light. It should be fully charged. You can use your phone is completely charged with almost any battery widget. Or you can to the Settings menu and click "About phone. Then click Status button, and you should see the battery level and complete reading.
The next step is to delete the file stat.bin battery. Two, you can do this. One way is to download the application from the battery calibration. After downloading, you connect your phone to the charger and wait for it to hit a penalty of 100 percent. Then calibrate the battery click "and drag the phone.
The other way is to boot into recovery. You can do this by doing the ROM Manager and click on "Start the recovery." Once you. Themselves in recovery to advanced Then click Delete battery stats, and then click Yes Do not worry, it's safe. Must be removed almost immediately. Now you can restart the phone.
Once the phone reboots, disconnect the charger. Use in the usual way and let the battery drain to 0%, it is exhausted and will not be visible. So you want to turn the phone to the charger and load (OFF PHONE) up to 100 percent again.
Congratulations! The phone has not officially verified. Note that you can not see the results immediately. For me, it took me a day or two. At first I was discouraged and said, "psh, it did not work." To my great surprise, but it did not work out in the end and I have to be charged to 90% after entering the city for a few hours, take photos and videos and games on the way back. Amazing! My smartphone is officially back to its "fresh-out-of-the-box state, as it is the first time I was there