If you are lucky enough to have more than one Android device
you probably have encountered this problem : how to deal with a number of
devices to a Google Account. Basically a couple of options you have , can you
use the same account on both devices , which means that the content displayed
on both devices , Google, or you can create another account by
vartentoissijaisen device and hallitayhteyksiä manually. This will allow you to
do both .
Google account on multiple devices
If kirjaudutuuden device with the same Google account that
is used elsewhere , there are several things happen : You will receive emails
on both devices , and all message Hangouts , YouTube subscriptions, and other
settings for a Google account on both devices. The good thing about this method
is that each of the Google Play Store purchases that you have made on both
devices also available , so you do not have to pay the other the right
asentaasovelluksentoissijaisen device ( except, of course , want a tablet
specific version the application). You can also monitor the situation , what's
going on and be the work of each unit. The disadvantage is that you feel that
this doubles the ads are annoying or just vain repeat itself, because only with
your Tablet - games, for example .
Multiple Google accounts on multiple devices
In this way, it is still very simple, but requires a little
more setup exactly as you want it to work . Basically, you are already in the
main unit main Google account logged in, then the second device is a new master
account Google Account is created and added to the main Google account. You now
have the chance that you select on different applications on the desired
account. Maybe you want is pictures of devices that kirjattusamalle Account
Google Images , but you do not want the video to YouTube or Google Chrome , the
search history that is often the children play in the story. Or just do not
want to get message goes out and interrupt Dead Trigger 2 quality quiet time.
Options synchronization , backup, and other
Both versions can you can select synchronization settings on
both devices , so you can still do for the holders of the same Google Account
to register on both devices and just delete messages ( for example, tablet game
) . Go taitoissijainen device not only for things like Gmail residences , is
also an option. It all depends on what you want the other device is to be used
, and how you will be connected to both devices . If you are prone to games on
both devices , you can simply log on and use käyttääsamoja Google or Facebook,
to access the games that you want to sync between different devices. Of course,
you must also make sure to be in their synchronization and backup options and
options on both accounts created depending again on what you want to use as
well . It is Android, so that you can make very little effort !