If blood pressure rises over the use of the Internet. This release may be the way to use the Internet every day, five days a week for two hours. Recently, the United States, researchers have suggested. Studies have shown that adolescents who spend long hours on the Internet to increase their weight and the risk of suffering from high blood pressure are made. According to researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, where adolescents spend time in a week for more than 14 hours have seen their blood pressure rise.
The main author of the research article ayandreya-busaro Cassidy said, "the Internet is part of our daily life, but it does not consume us." Studies have shown that teenagers 5 hours a week over the Internet stays. For the study, 335 teenagers aged 14 to 17 in the study was conducted. As well as their physical examination and asked to answer questions relating to the Internet. 'School of Nursing, has been published in the article gabesanasankranta.
The study of 134 adolescents use the Internet for extra time, 6 of them were found to increase blood pressure. More than 43 percent of Internet users extra weight, the study found. Computer or smartphone to take regular breaks from work, researchers have suggested. In addition, Internet access as well as the time needed to get some physical exercise. Cassidy researcher, said: "My advice to parents, to children when using the Internet as they are defined. Barely two hours a day and five days a week to follow these rules.